Breast Badges
Breast Badges
To ease the search the Insignias are sorted by the 1996 Collector Catalog
"Bundeswehr Verbandsabzeichen" by Frank Hummel.
Insignias not listed in the Catalog are individually numbered.
To ease the search the Insignias are sorted by the 1996 Collector Catalog
"Bundeswehr Verbandsabzeichen" by Frank Hummel.
Insignias not listed in the Catalog are individually numbered.

Army hummel Note: Numbering is from the old Catalog of Frank by...
- Armor
- Army Avaiation
- Artillery, Air Defense
- Central Commands
- Chemical (NBC) Defense
- Defense & Teritorital Commands
- Divisions, Brigades
- Engineers
- Home Guard / Replacement
- Light Infantry , Protection
- Maintenance
- Medical
- Military Police
- Motorized Infantry
- Reconnaisance / Armored Reconnaisance
- Schools
- Signals
- Supply, Transport, Drivers
- Various