Medaillen, Auszeichnungen, Abzeichen
Medals, Awards, Badges
For easier detection, numbering and sorting by the well known catalogs from Frank Bartel.

Awards of Social Organisations Auszeichnungen...
- Association of Consumer Cooperatives in the GDR - VdK
- Association of Journalists in the GDR
- Chamber of Technics
- Committee of Antifascist Resistance Fighters of the GDR
- Craft-, Trade & Industry Chambers
- Cultural Association of the GDR (KB)
- Democratic Womens League of Germany - DFD
- National Solidarity (VS)
- Peace Council of the GDR
- Society for German-Soviet Friendship
- Solidarity Committee of the GDR
- Urania - Society for the Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge
- VdgB - Union of Peasant Mutual Help